Matt Burgett - Best Of Friends

2014-06-15 2

I remember now with a look back in time
A look at the friendship we used to have
It was so happy shiny and good
Then suddenly it went from good to bad

Because of me and what I caused
That friendship slipped and dwindled
Now I stop open my eyes and pause
Perhaps now can the friendship be rekindled?

An extra help and an extra push
I need just to get through anymore
No smiles just tears are all I have
I'm nothing of what I was before

I've slipped away into depression
I do not like it not a bit
But with a friend to reverse recession
Perhaps I can clime out of it

So what do you think what do you say
Will you once perhaps again
Grab on to my hand and give a lift today
And be with me the best of friends

Matt Burgett