I'm ready to open the windows and walk out the door.
I want to get a haircut and say things I wouldn't say.
My fingers will be punching the radio to a different station,
Waiting for a different tune.
And I'll be smilling more, and laughing for a long time.
And I sleep beneath the stars and count my blessings
I'm ready for some new faces
And new places.
But somwhere a faded memory, undeniably breaks the layers I've tried to cover it with.
And I know that new hair, new music, new places, new people won't change where I've been and who I know.
And I know that sitting beneath the open sky, wherever that is, I cannot stop myself from thinking of you and how things once were.
And how they aren't anymore.
But I'm still ready to taste the new icecream flavers and try on the new clothes, and bits of memory will linger for a long long time
But I'm ready to let this go
Into the wind, I throw your memory in the air.
Like golden flowers whisking through a calm after rain breeze,
You dip in and out of the air.
Out there and deep, and covered in here.
In a heart thats filling with new people and new places.
But still gently holds your memory so.
Rita Shay