Rita Shay - Sleepless

2014-06-15 3

When the night has overthrown the day
Tucked under worn sheets I will lay.
In this pool of shadows I do sleep
Soon my thoughts jump out and leap.

The sky is green,
So grass must be blue
There is no mean,
And I could fly just as you.

Forever gone friends walk with me
Their voices fill me up with glee.
There was no way to fall
And anyone could do it all.

All through each starry night
My dreams are dreamed with might.
But when nightlight tires
Soon burns daylight’s fires.
The colors, noises spinning round my sleepy head
Are whisked away when reality tucks me back in bed.
And then I start to open my eyes
As I choose to start, to rise.
I want to see if my dreams came true
Or try, if I wanted, to make them to.

Rita Shay
