my girlfriend and my gold ring
i was the best felt like the king
my toothbrush my towel
my spex and my novel
always did my work by heart
coz its my talent and art
my chair and my table
my telephone and computer cable
she called me on my telephone
when i work on my computer
she is not with me right now
she close all my chapter
two person came in my life
and change it for ever
one is beggar and other is bigger
beggar beg me i gave him my gold ring
bigger leg me he kick me
and stole my girlfriend
in one day, day to night, night to morning
i lost my girlfriend and my gold ring
its all change in lifestyle
nobody appear for mile
i was the character who kick by other
beggar became king who got ring by other
my master and his Dane, so cheap
its me m not ba ba black sheep
i return to my work bar
start with twinkle twinkle lil star
i set on that computer table n and call
lyk humpty dumpty had a great fall
right now i m in my towel
and writing novel n this poem
life so dark life so bright
just enjoy and fly the kite
cris balm