Abbie Gorsuch - thats just the way it goes

2014-06-15 19

I sit and think about you most every day
I wonder if I will see you and what I should say
Then one day it finally happened! I saw you
Stupid me I thought you would wait for me too
You were standing there arms around her
I wish heartbreak was a sickness so it would have a cure
You walked over to me and said hello
God I wish I knew how to just let go
It isn’t fair the way you haunt my dreams
You never really loved me or so it seems
Let me leave this place of sad
Let me forget all the things we had
I wasn’t good enough for you
And now I deal with all you put me through
So I say I love you one more time
And maybe one day I will cross your mind
Things will be different I will get over you
I will soon forget what you put me through
And you my friend will remember my love
And I will be the one you’re dreaming of
You will wonder if you will see me some day
But I will be over you and you won’t know what to say

Abbie Gorsuch