O Anna Niemus - Outside Immaculate

2014-06-15 11

She would not let her parents bring
their cat and dog to her immaculate
home when they visited.
And after they left she sat down
to eat the decaying cadaver pieces
of murdered animals.

Jesus spoke of whited sepulchres...
those clean on the exterior while
they, walking cemeteries, moved
around with dead animals
in their intestines.

There was no room in the inn of her
heart for the Christ Child's stable
friends, but there was room in
her belly for pigs, cows, sheep,
chickens, turkeys, fishes
once they'd been slaughtered.

(the Gospel of Mary indicates that Mary
was a fasting vegetarian almost from
her inception)
The Greek translated into 'whited sepulchres'
is sarcophagi (sarx flesh phagi eater)

O Anna Niemus
