Beautifully Unknown - If you died

2014-06-15 3

You tell me all these things I wish I couldn't hear
But I know you can't just keep it to yourself
You need someone to listen so I promised I'd always be here

It hurts me to see you like this
I want to help make things better
But it seems as if theres no way I can
I've already tried...
And failed so many times

Knowing how you feel makes it hard to sleep at night
I can't sleep knowing you dream of dieing
And somehow that makes you feel better
Things like that might make you feel better,
But they make me feel worse

I feel so hopeless
Cause theres nothing I can do
I cant help you
I wish I could make this all go back
Back to the way it was
But I know theres no way I can

I know you think its funny,
But I dont
Because its not funny to me that you
Want to blow your brains out in front of everyone
Just to let them know how you feel

You're my sister and I love you
I never want anything to happen to you
I promised you I'd always be here for you
And I am, I'm here
You can fall back into my arms
And just cry
Just please let me help you
It would kill me if you died.

Beautifully Unknown