No matter what…
I will always be near
I know I’m far away
But in your heart I will stay
Yes times are getting hard…
That’s where she comes in…
For the movie days and nights
Or whatever it may be
She’ll be there…
To simply sit there and listen
Or hold you when you cry
Sitting there asking yourself why
I know it’s hard…
Trust me, I know the pain we share
Nothing could ever compare
To the pain you have to bear
It will all be over soon
I know it’s not soon enough
But for the time being…
You sit there with your fake smile
Hoping its all worth your while…
Hoping and praying you’ll see my face again…
So for now….
The road ahead is hard….
I wish I could say it will get easier
But I know it won’t
Because being without the one you love
Will only get harder
With each day that goes by
So for those painful lonely nights…
I’m here…
Even for the ones that are filled with
Laughter instead of tears…
I’m here.
I will always be near…
Just close yours eyes,
Place your hand over your heart
And remember…
Remember everything…
Because our future is bright
And very near
I promise my dear.
No matter what …
I’m here
Beautifully Unknown