Jose Flores - Replaced and Depressed

2014-06-15 11

The only girl that ever cared,
The only girl I've ever loved,
Though she did not love me the same way,
It was ok because we were friends.

Before we met I was alone,
Depressed and angry at the world,
But she was my cure,
She was my happiness,
For once someone needed me,
As I needed her.

It was all great until she met him,
Things began to change right before my eyes,
I knew then I had been replaced,
Everything I had done for her before,
He does for her now,
She no longer needed me,
But I still needed her,
Only now she isn't there for me anymore.

Now the pain and loneliness had returned a hundred fold,
Worse than it was before,
I could not sleep,
I'd barely eat.

She broke my heart,
After I let down my guard,
She knew I was suffering,
But she did little to nothing.

Was it something I said?
Or something I did?
I ask God why I got replaced,
But he does not answer,
I must get through this alone.

This is the first poem that I have wrote that has meant anything to me so I thank you all for reading this.

Jose Flores