Leslie Ching - Keep Waiting

2014-06-15 1

As I lean back into the deck chair
On the creaking veranda,
A notepad on my knees
And a pencil in my hand,
Waiting for something to happen.
The sun beams amiably,
The clouds drift aimlessly,
On a sky of forget-me-not blue.
The songbirds cheer,
The squirrels chatter,
And the bugs hum their hypnotic tunes.

As I shift restlessly on the deck chair
On the creaking veranda,
A notepad on the chair arm
And a pencil behind my ear,
Waiting for something to happen.
The sun dims forlornly,
The clouds clump ominously,
On a sky of magenta hues.
The songbirds twitter,
The squirrels settle down,
And the bugs hum their hypnotic tunes.

As I slump drowsily on the deck chair
On the creaking veranda,
A notepad on my stomach
And a pencil on the floor,
Waiting for something to happen.
The sun wanes completely,
The clouds hide everything,
On a sky of a dusty pale moon.
The songbirds quieten,
The squirrels, fast asleep,
And the bugs hum their hypnotic tunes.
The notepad is blank,
The pencil still sharp,
And my mind as empty as balloons.
Lacking much inspiration-
But with imagination
The mind can go where it would please-
From dryads and pixies and olden folklore
To nature's own beauties, colourful and bright
There's just far too much to possibly to explore
All the possibilities stretch far beyond sight...

Leslie Ching
