louis rams - Dancing Moon (not in poetic order)

2014-06-15 13

it was a beautiful starlit night
as the moon danced across the water.
like a ballerina upon a stage.
dazzling, hypnotizing, mesmerizing.
every move a work of art.

the ripples across the water
like her toes touching the stage.
ever so gently, like a butterfly upon a flower.

all of these things is what i saw.
on this beautiful night
'oh what a glorious sight'.

the moon played its tricks upon the water
as each wave came closer to the shore.

it was like thousands of fireflies
scooting across the water
all in perfect order.

the moon was above
the moon was below
'oh what a magnificent show'.

so when you see a full moon on a starlit night
go out and enjoy this sight.

louis rams
