John Weber - Malthusian Agenda

2014-06-15 1

The corporation hatched a plan
To hack away the code of life
Arrogance and greed then began
Plotting to profit from our strife
This nation's lost attention span
Grants dull stone to sharpen their knife

Cloaked under the guise of science
Shilling poisons that sap the land
To whittle our self-reliance
Snake-oil reptiles on the grandstand
Hypnotize to bilk compliance
While defiling this fragile strand

As long as stars dance in the sky
Power lust shall tempt to destroy
The fruits we harvest to supply
Vast growth in harmony with joy
Such balance proves grace must apply
Valor pleads we purge the decoy

Yet mercantile lies still defend
Models plotted to reduce chance
Shepherds willing to condescend
That in the name of grim finance
All individuals must end
Every endeavor to advance

So they sow oblivion's seed
While denying true creation
Bombarding genomes they proceed
To execute devastation
For these elitists stand agreed
We deserve only starvation

John Weber