Jaycee Wilkerson - Dont take love for granted

2014-06-15 47

Im strong
I still hurt
When Im alone,
I will make it
Throught whatever,
That doesnt mean
I want to be on my own

Life is beautiful
It still can be
Very ugly

Experiences are lessons
Each day are blessings
They say the truth
Will set you free
This poem right here
Is a confession to set me free

I am privileged
To have a gift
So I am privileged
To share it with you

In life I take
Whats giving to me
But take nothing
For granted

I am here today but
Can be gone tomorrow
With this being said
I cant live in sorrow
I have to love and be caring
Like its no tomorrow

Though we age
Life is still short
An time can not
Be caught
My message is this

Love like there is
No tomorrow
Because for some of us
There is no tomorrow

Jaycee Wilkerson
