Sebastian Soberania - who fears loneliness?

2014-06-15 4

i don't.
i hold hands with loneliness
dine with it
sleep with it
defecate with it
live with it
throughout my entire life

i lie with it and laugh with it
i bathe with it
and dry with it
i dress and undress myself
in front of it
i watch tv with loneliness
and drink my glass of vodka
with loneliness
everyday, the whole year round.

i have learned to love it.
i live with it, around and above it.
i am familiar with it.
and so
i do not fear it
it is my companion,
wife, and lover, and
and perhaps even
my god.
i am loneliness.
shall i fear
myself then
throughout my

i guess, death is also
i guess, no one escapes
this word...loneliness.

in fact, it is a sentence.

Sebastian Soberania