Linda Winchell - 'Jesus Canceled Christmas! '

2014-06-15 4

Well kids, Jesus canceled Christmas!
He emailed me, and this is what I read.
That His being born on Christmas Day
Has seemed, been replaced
with some fella, all dressed up in red!

He said, that you've got that fella, Santa Clause
and he gives you, pretty presents under your tree!
So why in the heck, would you want a Baby Jesus?
being born in a dirty manger style, Nativity?

He said, He only could give one gift
and He had done that, once before!
So why then would, His Christmas Birth
be something you would want, much more?

He also said, we don't seem to like His
Ten Commandments displayed or school prayers!
So why then, would He expect us now
to celebrate His Birthday
or too come to Him, in Prayer?

So kids, I guess this means, NO presents!
Yes, you heard me right!
So if you're expecting a gift wrapped present, under the tree
It isn't gonna happen, this Christmas Holy Night!

Linda Winchell

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