Audrey Heller - Take One Day At A Time

2014-06-15 61

If we could all, learn to take one day
at a time, how much better off, we'd
be! Trying to go ahead of yourself, is
the cause, of your misery! You have
to take it slow, not jump to any
conclusions, give it time, as there's
always, tomorrow. If you think about
your problems constantly, it can only
lead to sorrow! No one, knows what
each day will bring, we can only hope,
all goes well. By letting go, of your
worrisome thoughts, it's a way to break
the spell! If you're one of those people,
whose thoughts go astray, stop, take a
deep breath and in a little while, it will
go on it's way! I'm sure you'll have to
agree, that to worry, is really a waste of
time, it gets you, absolutely nowhere. It
makes a complete wreck out of you and
in the interim, you feel like pulling out
your hair. Just relax, make yourself lax,
take one day at a time! Follow through,
whatever you do and in the long run, you're
going to come out, fine!

Audrey Heller