Audrey Heller - Alone For The Holidays

2014-06-15 32

The holiday season, is supposed to be a
happy occasion, but many people start to
feel blue. Many are far from home, and very
much alone, when their fondest of memories,
come into view. As we all know, it's the time
of year, where being with loved ones, means
a lot. But what can you do, when there's no
one there for you and emptiness, is all that
you've got. I think of their plight and it makes
me sad. I, personally don't know anyone in
this predicament and in a way, I wish I had.
The first thing I'd do is extend an invitation,
so they wouldn't have to be alone. Hoping
they'd accept, I'd more then welcome them,
into my home. If I, can bring some happiness
to one person, who's in need. My heart will
know, I've performed, a most important deed!

Audrey Heller