There was a women with one breast,
It seemed the cancer gave her no rest.
But out of her loving heart,
She sung a song.
Driving away the sense of pain
And despair.
Cause this women said I want to
Give the people hope whom think
Having cancer is an ordeal.
So I decide to peal of the layers of despair,
As I sit in the love chair.
Showing that love and a ferm commitment
Can overcome it all.
Even though she sometimes hits the wall,
And is struck by confusion.
She ordaines that her live is a sign of
Hope and deliverance for those whom
Are fear struck and paralysed.
When they hear about cancer.
Instead she is a dancer,
Who dances with whatever life
Hands her.
And for that she is know
Troughout the world.
As she sings a song so unheared,
By most others who turn away.
From whatever fate the have.
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