Your skin glows like a star shinning in the night,
Blossoms sweetly as the rose, in the purest hope of Spring.
My heart follows your sweet voice,
and leaps like a frog at the whisper of your name.
The evening floats in on a Big fluffy white cloud.
I am comforted by the scent of the perfume,
that lingers on your scarf, that I carry in my hand,
into the twilight of moonbeams, and hold next to my heart.
As my hand falls from my face, I'm reminded of your smile,
In the quiet, I listen for the last screech of the day.
My heated hands leaps to my throat,
as I wait here in the moonlight for the signal that lets me
know you are near, so that we may as one, be.
Hand in hand we go, and live the life, that the Good Lord gave us,
No longer searching for love in all the wrong places,
As we look into each other's faces,
I Know That Your My One True Love.
Nora Eason