Antonio Liao - texting is fixing

2014-06-15 3

knownledge comes in a most unexpected moment, never
any man have seen the future, that beyond the super
highways of web of change comes drastically, the gadgets
that propel the world, into the edge of the universe

this wisdom of today, is the future of tomorrow, taking us
to the avenue of transcendental communication of, where
a steps forward of, knowing God in his wisdom of time

as man build, bridge beyond time and space, the supreme
being gifted us to venture, the air lines in the wave of a
whispering ray of dialogue of life

a vehicle to know our past weaknesses, our lapses, our
short coming and our life that until, today this water low, can
be repaired and patch up, through a wheel, of high way
of friendship to God and to man

now is time to recover our losses, now is the hour to contact
our unattended friends and now is the time, to text our
unspoken language, like the sea where the horizon of time
dawning in the infinite existence of your soul

today is the point to love, to begin our dialogue of life, the
unending search of friendship, beyond ourselves, a journey that
texting is fixing the gap of mankind

Antonio Liao