Antonio Liao - you don't have to think to write a nice poem

2014-06-15 2

why think? poetry does not demand

it demands feelings, your feelings,
and you have lots of them,
these feelings
of loss, of joy, of sorrow, of bliss,
of sadness, and happiness,

of longings, and regrets
of losing and gaining,

all these, do they require
so much thinking
and evaluating? no, they are there
with you, always waiting to be written
and sometimes
mind you, just put your hand
on the keys
and they start writing about
try the trance
lose yourself, be the breath
from your mouth
be the air from your nostrils
be the wind
be the spirit from your body
for once
let it fly away and take the
whole world
in the tips of your fingers
in the blink of your eye
in the slip of your tongue
in the wink
of your mind

Antonio Liao