O Anna Niemus - Paul Newman Leaves For God

2014-06-15 9

After a lifetime of monumental charity, having given away over 100 million
of the proceeds from his and his wife Jo Anne Woodward's food business, having
been a peace activist all his life, a film actor who entertained billions,
a vegetarian for reasons of nonviolence, Paul Newman has slipped
from the glove of his body. He loved all. He
was loved by all.

As the world contemplates Wall St greed and Wall St pawns
in the 2 major political parties, it is inspiring to remember a soul
who sought not how to take but how to give.

Now he is unencumbered by time or space, or by the limits of the body,
in his mission of love.

(One of Paul Newman's many recipients was the Nature
Conservancy to which he contributed both time and money.
Nature Conservancy was taken over by Henry Paulson,
who turned the wilderness shrines Newman loved into
cattle concentration camps.)

(Like Jonathan Winters and unelected Republican president
Rutherford B Hayes, Paul Newman was a graduate of Kenyon
College in Gambier, Ohio, which in 2004 was (not Hawaii)
the last place in the US to vote, because of the Republican
Party's plan to underman (underperson) and undermachine
the polls in the majority Democrat state)

(The Verdict is the writer's favorite of the Newman movies she's seen.)

O Anna Niemus
