Longest struggles in life
Nights spent in agony
Separation and a beloved in sweet dreams
Delayed gratification
Was the lessen learnt
Putting behind the immediate gain
The gain though was intangible
But in the affairs of the things
The gratification went sour
For something to be regained in the form of tangible
Others claim on my life
Altruism put to an extreme stretch
A gradual rethinking
In time span that is too late
A reward unseen was the goal
Or I may get one
Dreams turning nightmares
Life unfolding like a drill
From morning till evening
And the repent of the night
A rebirth I want
From the years that I lost
The values dear
Turning into enemies of the yore
Break it free
Though the time is short
For a rebirth
A life new to begin
And again
The time is not my own
I will live for others
But honor I want
As my last possession
And a new rebirth
Sadiqullah Khan