Mark Crane - Illuminated goddess of the night

2014-06-15 7

Illuminated goddess of the radiant night
Bathe me gently in your soothing dim light
Brighten the dark; erode the vile spawn
Dazzlingly resplendent against the morrows dawn

Shining face perched in quiescent splendor over land and ocean
Endowed with power to invoke a tide of emotion
Now lunation has arrived i grow mawkish and pale
Retire my celestial love behind your dark, painted veil

Led through the blistering black night by lonelinesses callused clutch
Ensanguine drenched dreams imprisoned within societies hutch
To be once again cradled amidst thine comforting, luminary embrace
Is my lugubrious laden hearts only true appetence and grace...

Mark Crane