Francis Duggan - Of Nature's Many Secrets

2014-06-15 1

Though I do know that the currawong is not a species of crow
So little about Nature I feel that I do know
From human kind her secrets she keeps hidden away
But something new from Nature one learns every day
I always have loved Nature ever since I was a boy
And watching her wild creatures is a thing I do enjoy
And many of her songbirds I know them by their song
Their voices so distinctive one cannot get them wrong
The carolling of the skylark as upwards he does fly
Till he becomes so tiny a small speck in the sky
'Tis not for love of living or for the joys of Spring
But for to proclaim his borders that the tiny bird does sing
And though I do know that a currawong is not a breed of crow
Of Nature's many secrets I could never hope to know.

Francis Duggan