Physical pleasure one can enjoy till the youth lasts in life;
With the passage of every year one’s age goes up nonstop!
Time lost in this matter can never again be regained at all;
So, make best of the bird in hand more than two in the bush!
There is no point in crying over the spoilt milk afterwards;
Baby cannot such the milk if the breast stops oozing milk;
Man cannot enjoy intercourse if one loses temper soon
And can enjoy youthful vicarious pleasure only in dreams!
Physical structure is a beautiful perishable commodity only
One can kiss, hug and enjoy as long as youth lasts in the world.
Best use of it physically, intellectually and spiritually one can
To get complete satisfaction in life if one is strong and healthy.
Of all the creations man is the last in the ladder of evolution,
After which he has to evolve his mind by knowledge to divinity,
The saturation point to reach the state of ultimate reality soon
Only when he reaches point of full satisfaction physically here!
Ramesh T A