Francis Duggan - Memories Of Distant Novembers

2014-06-15 1

In the old rushy fields close to Millstreet Town
The Finnow bank high in flood waters of brown
And in the cold chill of a November dawn
The salmon are swimming up river to spawn

In the home of the rook and jackdaw and gray crow
The migrant redwing thrushes chirping on the windswept hedgerow
And the freshening wind soughing in the leafless trees
On a cold enough morning of zero degrees.

At least four long months till the first breath of Spring
Till the trees begin to sprout new leaves and the nesting birds sing
In the farm yard in the galvanize shed
The cattle are bellowing for to be fed.

So different to the November I knew in a Land far away
Where I live 'tis warm quite warm today
The sun glowing in the blue sky and warmth in the breeze
And the birds chirp and sing on the bushes and trees.

Memories of distant Novembers with me do remain
When flood waters are gurgling in the roadside drain
In weather that does seem cold enough for to snow
Where the Finnow bank high to the Blackwater flow.

Francis Duggan

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