Rabi Anata - Open Eyes

2014-06-15 9

i didnt recognize the things in my life
until i took a good look around
i use to see the darkened sky
and the oncoming rain clouds
i never took a second glimpse
at my healthy family
and the smiles that lit their faces and mine
and all my sadness had been
just like passing cars
when one fled by another would come
without leaving much space in between to breathe
but i saw the difference when i changed my destination
everything was an empty street
where i could stay without a car's confinement
i only recognized the things in my life
when i opened my eyes to look
and i saw all my problems
from the outside of a magnifying glass
they were so minor i almost didnt recognize them
and i saw the others problems like a constant fog
and a never ending rain
they were so vast over covering everything
it was something saddening to see
filling me with lots of tears
so i looked around to find something to give
to all these people who were misfortunate
it almost amazed me how much i had
and i never would have noticed it was there
if i never opened my eyes to take a good look around

Rabi Anata
