Compton Wright - Sweetheart! ! !

2014-06-15 1

My sweet sweetheart
You question me as why I call you that
But only because I care about you
You are sweet, bright and very beautiful
The vibe we have is unbreakable
Which surprises me the most about you and I
You said I would groan, moan and crave for your loving
Well you got me on my knees screaming for your name
Wishing that you come sweep me off my feet
But than I found out that you now have a lover
I happy for you...really I am
You are no longer sad or mad
You say that this is the most happiest
part of your life
You went a long way
That impress me trust me
From the drama, gossip, rumors
Pretty much everything that a women
Would go crazy off of but yet you become
strong and happy and laugh death in the face
and say 'You never take me not without a fight'
So I continue to call you my sweetheart
Why? ...Because you keep my heart beating
You are the reason why I still believe in love now
Because you never give up on it so I won't either
So keep your mind, body and spirit sweet like
you are and someday your life will too

Compton Wright