It is a changed Ireland the Ireland of today
Going by what i do read and of it what others say
For it has been two decades since I've seen Erin's shore
And heard the birds singing in old Claramore.
One of Europe's poor Nations in the recent past
But most things do change and few things seem to last
And Ireland has changed for the better it does seem
And a future at home for young Irish people is no longer a dream.
It is a changed Ireland from the Ireland I've known
Since I've lived there the Irish economy has grown
But poverty still exists in Ireland as it does Worldwide
And the gap keeps on widening in the social divide.
It is a changed Ireland and for the better i hear
And the Irish economy is growing by the year
And two decades of Summers and in time have gone by
Since I've last heard the lark in the grey Irish sky.
Francis Duggan