Of the names we spake with passion and love
Yet the souls did not divide us in names different
Like birds we sing some songs of love
Rich have I become with the treasure of your love
Like a pirate when I robbed the beauty on your face
With kisses like wine the goblets of your love
Unending and like holy waters like the breeze of the night
In slow waves passing by me like the dervish enchanted
In constant whirls in search of love
Like a diamond in the depths of my heart
Your memories when I look unto myself
The God’s incarnation I have seen on earth
Come lovers, come lovers a miracle descended
Of religion and philosophy the advice of the friends
Unreason have I adapted as my religion
In reason I failed to explain to myself
O ye blame me not for when I talk in the air
To myself and embrace thee in thy absence
Chains he needs declared the master
Rising is he to become master of the masters
O sage of the day in your talk wise
Tell me the reasons of my unreason
Except that once I have seen that beauty
Sadiqullah Khan