Francis Duggan - Quite An Unsavoury Character

2014-06-15 3

He is a noted criminal callous in every way
He paid others to kill his foes now for his crimes he pay
What goes around always comes around the wise are known to say
He will leave jail a broken man humbled and old and gray.

The men he paid paid hit men to kill one might say far from great
As people of compassion one them could hardly rate
But they had a right to their lives and from them he took that right
He can reflect upon his sins in his prison cell tonight.

He is not a role model one worthy of a toast
Or a credit to the Nation one of whom patriots could boast
We all have our life's choices and he knew right from wrong
And it truly can be said of him that he now is where he belong.

He paid others to kill for him which does not lessen his crime
And for to reflect on his wrongdoing he now has plenty of time
Quite an unsavoury character to him human life is cheap
He has sown the seeds of bad karma and what we sow we reap.

Francis Duggan

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