Michael P. Johnson - HEAR GOD’S VOICE WITHIN

2014-06-15 5

Amazing Grace The Morning Star
The Father’s Light and Love
The voice still calling as we are
Be clean; for life above

Repent! The call is loud and clear
Confess your deeds of shame
Accept my peace removing fear
Receive a brand new name

Believe the fact that I am He
Who came from Heaven’s throne
The Lamb who died to set you free
And take you for my own

Receive my blood from Calvary’s Tree
The truth I died to give
Accept by faith my Guarantee
Life’s Guide who’ll help you live

He’ll cleanse you as the virgin snow
Purging of every sin
He’ll teach the facts you ought to know
Life’s crown in truth to win

Be rid of yeast poisoning dough
Partake of Bread above
Refuse what darkness would bestow
Seek life through Light and love

Receive the jewels I will impart
Silver and gold I give
Revere life’s law within your heart
Obey my child and live

My gold is love my silver care
Patience and peace my jewels
Treasure most people find as rare
Living to die as fools

Michael P. Johnson
