Dela Bobobee - Remake Africa

2014-06-15 1

I long to remake my Africa
in symmetry with America
as a fuel to remake the world
which exists with just a word

I crave to heal the earth
in defiance of the dearth
of man’s sane premonition
which leads to annihilation

with my heart…
to do my part

with my mind…
in all I can find

with my soul
in definite goal

with my bones…
in silent tones

with my brain…
refuting drain

with my hands…
in hungry lands

with my voice…
in every choice

with my blood…
in desert flood

with my pen…
in lion’s den

with my poem…
in every realm

with my breadth…
at mortal length

with faith in God
So help me Lord.

Written by
Dela Bobobee©

Dela Bobobee