Lucas Carriger - Green Mound

2014-06-15 12

The rain is falling in my world
The water is seeping through my skin
No reason to worry little girl
Soon you will die and we’ll meet again
Surrounded by darkness and earth
The barrier around me is broken now
Oh how I long to hear the birds chirp
For I have missed them underground
As these wiggling pest eat
I start to wonder how much
I miss the grass beneath my feet
Or how much I want your touch
Lying down there is not much left
I remember the glorious day it was
Weathering into the growing depth
Clouds over head with a beautiful gust
My bones are aching to be free
I want to hold your hand one last time
Eyes are gone to no longer see
Forever to be by your side was my crime
The pain is gone now only feeling love
They said we were not meant to be
It flows through my bones, white as a dove
Everyone was acceptant but he
I belong to the earth now
Feeding the grass that I once walked
No longer hating don’t ask how
I’m just glad that we talked

Lucas Carriger