Chantal Lammerts - Every Day

2014-06-15 1

What we’re doing every day,
Only trying to make our way,
Through our thoughts and things we say,
What we like and what we may.

Is our life about more than power,
Looking sweet but secretly sour,
Every day, every hour,
Locked up in this great, high tower.

Tries to call, tries to warn,
Asking us, why are we born?
How come our lives are torn,
Isn’t it that we should mourn?

Change our lives, make it better,
And don’t think it doesn’t matter,
Don’t live a life you would not flatter,
But cause your old life to shatter.

Live a life full of joy,
All bad things you should destroy,
Play with life like it’s just a toy,
‘Cause you live only once,
So live life as a reckless boy.

not much to comment,
although your comments are welcome!
hope you enjoyed!

Chantal Lammerts