Marcquiese Burrell - Bad Ones Over The Good

2014-06-15 4

Maybe I made some critical judgements
Knowing you were no good at all
Still I'd given you the chance
Thinking that there is some good in you
when there is none there to begin with
You were cruel and I wasted no time in saying how in love I was
Than came across all the good ones with which I could settle
But, I wasn't looking for any other you see
The problem is that I am attracted to the drama
That comes with the bad individual persona image
And whenever I'd meet up with them who intentions are good
I treat them as if I want to pull their character apart
Picking everything I find fault in with them
Feeling as if I'm walking in a dark cloud in this relationship
Naturally I fell deep into the drama that I've been a sucker for
Had I payed any attention to the history of my past relationships
Things would be much different
and at the end of the day I feel a sense of low self-esteem
as I look at myself in the mirror
and wonder of this image before me staring back at me

Marcquiese Burrell