Aditya Pathak 'particle' - LOST FLARE

2014-06-15 13

Came in from the light, to the spot of the night,
Following I was the loneliness of soul.
Dark everywhere, no food for the sight,
Glossed over by all, so distant from the right.

Crowning the effect of the misery of mine,
I heard the din of my failures that night.
Went all away, was the pip-squeak left alone,
No hue, no cry, but ready to fight alone

Then I saw the light which could have expunged the dark,
But again, the failure was on the door to strike.
Astounded by the sight, seeing which others would have died,
The assurance of joy went away as did the smile.

Careworn with tangles, babbling alone, yet nor forlorn neither torn.
Clad in red, I was offered the death; but that to was nothing but a myth.

Aditya Pathak 'particle'