I've pursued spirituality with all of my abilities and overlooked every other thing I considered to be tangible.
Spirituality has gotten me thus far but I've lost track of the physical necessities associated with this life.
I've pursued humility and yet I’m still proud because of my reluctance to share the word or to consider others before myself.
Therefore, I’m not that spiritual after all. I have lots of talents that I've concealed. Talents that probably could’ve change or save lives.
The fire in my bones is burning but the heat is not conveyed because of my ineffectiveness to obey and do what your word says.
How do I move from this bold man into newness?
How do I make the transition? How can I stand on a stage and proclaim your word or lead a choir or a worship group?
It’s all in the mind I muse. Every fear and inefficiency starts within the mind.
Every doubt and unbelief begin by a single thought.
A thought that then leads to failure.
Too bad there’s no failure running through my veins but victory, for I’m a victor.
I’m a winner, and I’m out to win souls, win success, win finances, win health, and every other thing provided in your atonement.
How do I erase the me of yesterday; the past failures, the past mistakes, the past tense?
How do I become the man you've predestined?
2014 is a year of changes.2014 belongs to you Lord.
devon da poet