devon da poet - Mediocrity

2014-06-15 14

Do not be conformed to this world,
But Be transformed by the renewal of your mind!
Stand form upon the texts on the scroll
From the heart comes those things which proceed out of the mouth
The tongue will be the first corrected
Thoughts of evil were inherited
Unearned, undeserved, unmerited favour: grace
Unconcernedly, none observed who bared it:
The deliverer's blood perspired from out of his face
Lack of validity and dignity
A state of relativity and passivity
The double minded receive not from God
Mediocrity displays uncertainty
The devil loves a vulnerable and fragile prey
We're all capable of honoring what the bible says
A new covenant: easier than before
Maintain consistency to witness growth
Your identity is important
Your hard work is impotent
A smart believer responds and resists
A mediocre speaks words of beseech

devon da poet