Victoria Staley - I'm Needed

2014-06-15 5

I don't know why I write the sad things I write.
Or the lies I tell myself.
Even my tears play a part,
In this emotional rut I call life.
Sometimes it brings me so down,
So low that I feel rooted to the ground.
It's more then paralyzing,
When the answers are just out of my reach,
Mocking me softly.

My inner being just wants to give up,
Start somewhere else,
Or just start completely all over again.
But, I can't.
That's life when good and bad are hand in hand.

So then I ask myself,
'Why sorrow? Why dwell over things you can't change? '
It's hard to accept the way I am.
I'm high maintenance.
I'm an attention seeker.

Then I stop myself to take that deep breath,
And let out all the pain that has knotted itself up,
Deep within the depths of my heart.
That is when I feel my best,
That is when I'll be okay,
And that is when I've told myself not to give up.
Life can make you think the weirdest things,
The saddest thoughts,
And the most heart wrenching feelings.

All I know is that I'm alive for a reason.
I'm alive because I want to be,
And so many people need me in their life.
And I'm breathing because I need myself.

The cycle will keep going as Life keeps running.
Challenge accepted, because I'm not afraid to run with it.
Even if it knocks me down or leaves me in the dust,
I will be right back at it's heels.
I can't give up.
I'm needed.

Victoria Staley

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