Denis Martindale - Keep Up!

2014-06-15 4

'Keep up! ' the lioness declared
To lion cubs behind,
Because, in truth, she really cared,
With dangers on her mind...
For even lions aren't immune
From predators around,
No matter, midnight or high noon,
To such, all lives are bound...

'Keep up! ' she told them, based on fears
That neither cub yet knew,
For she had learnt from all her years
What other creatures do...
Though she could run at speed and flee,
They weren't as yet that strong,
That's why she warned, 'Stay close to me
And don't just tag along! '

'Keep up! ' she growled with her stern voice,
Alerting them to harm,
Despite the peace, they had no choice
And thus ignored the calm...
One cub looked back, his eyes alert,
That was his day of days,
Aware of dangers that occurred,
He learnt to change his ways...

Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2013.

The poem is based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Keep Up'.

More Stephen Gayford poems here:

Denis Martindale