Francis Duggan - These People

2014-06-15 5

These people behind high steel picket fence crowned with sharp razor wire
But these people are not criminals in them much to admire
They only want a better life and that should not be a crime
These people from harsh treatment who look aged beyond their prime.

This man he loves his children and is devoted to his wife
And the only reason he brought them here is to give them a better life
In their Homeland persecuted as they belong to a minority
And like others of their kind in fear of their lives their Land of birth they did flee.

These people have known great hardships and they have lived through hell
And few stories of happy times in their lives they can tell
They came here for a better life and for that with their loss of freedom they must pay
The victims of demonization who fled persecution far away.

These people are not criminals or bad in any way
Their sin to be born in the wrong place though in that they had no say
They came here for a better life though here too for them no fair play
And man's inhumanity to man alive and well today

Francis Duggan