Courtney Hurting - Cant Stop Thinking about YOU!

2014-06-15 15

Cant close my eyes tonight,
When my mind wont stop wondering about you
you just dont understand the things im going through,
You think its just a joke
when you are sipping on your cheap coke,
But i wont stop thinking of you,
You are the one who put the rare smile on my face
instead of me always looking in space,
You inspire me to do what i do
because its all about you,
My eyes need to rest
but all they want is the nest,
The nest of comfort that was thought to stay,
So i tell you this because i care
i care to even dare,
To say, 'I would like you to think about me tonight,
because i cant close my eyes tonight,
WhEn My MiNd WoNt StOp ThInKiNg AbOuT YoU.'

Courtney Hurting