laksh my creations - Will You?

2014-06-15 5

Will you love me if i say 'i love you'?
Will you hold me if i say 'i need you'?
Will you hug me if i say 'i feel you'?
Will you kiss me if i say 'i breathe you'?
Will you hold my hand and walk?
Will you miss me if i say you are always there in my mind?
Will you embrace me if i say ' i live for you'?
Will you care for me if i say 'you mean the world to me'?
What is that you'll say if i tell you that every tear that drops is for you?
What is that you'll feel if i say that every smile on my face is b'cos of you?
What is that you will judge if i say every cahnge i've got is b'cos of you?
What is that you'll decide if i confess the reason i breathe is you?
Here i ask you, will you give me your time?
Here i ask you, will you be mine?
Here i ask you, will you read what my eyes speak?
Here i ask you, will you share your life with me?

laksh my creations