(misspelling is on purpose)
Now I s'pose y'all heard about,
The wisest critter around;
They call him 'Punxsutawney Phil'
Smartest groundhog, thumbs down!
But I'll bet I kin tell y' sumpthin'
That lots uv folk don't no;
'bout whurre Phil gits his smarts,
Taint' no lie, er' I'd jest tell ya so.
Ye see ole Phil's got a cuzin,
Mount'n folk call em, 'Possum Bill'
He's the closet liv'n' kin,
To this one y'all no as Phil.
Yep, they livd in the same o' hole,
Seems thurre maw's dun n' got et;
So they grode to d'pend on t'uther,
'bout as clozt as one kin git.
But, one nite it wuz stormin',
The litnin' cum crashin' round';
When a bote dun n' hit em' both,
N' jarred em' rite out tha gronde!
Thet litnin' must've dun sumpthin',
To thurre wits, now don't ya' know;
Frum then on, theys cud tale tha wether,
E'vn if'n t'wure it shin er snow.
Now ole Bill sat in tah lurnin',
'bout the elaments n' such;
Til' he b'cum so dab blume smart,
His brane kudn't hold so much.
So he tuke a little breethur,
Frum the wether lurnin' task;
Then give a portion tah his cuz,
Jest cuz Phil had dun n' ast.
Then Phil tuke all thet lurnin'
N' sat out fer wurldly famme;
Whil'st Bill staid er in tha Hills,
Tah rest his weiry brane.
Now I rekkun he's a smart un',
Shore his forecasts mite cum true;
But if'n yah gunna breg on Phil,
Say sumptin' gud uv o' Billy to.
This er poum I rote cuz I dun n' gat
tarred uv o Phil gitn' all tha dab blumm
kretit fer whut I up n' dun fer em!
Signed Possum Bill
Loyd C. Taylor