Paolo Giuseppe Mazzarello - Nathaniel - The Flower of the Desert

2014-06-15 3

'Odorous broom,
Content with the deserts'
Giacomo Leopardi

A camp in the desert. A tent, interior. There are carpets. Nat is dressed eastern-style.

Nat (turning towards the camel-drivers) :
I'm a little tired. And you?

1st Camel-driver:
Let's drink and eat together now,
Then we'll go away.

2nd Camel-driver (one realizes that she's a woman) :
You've not people together with you,
You won't survive lonely
Together with us, you won't disappear.

If one haven't people, ona stays alone
But I know the war is over, also you should know it.
Many years will be spent to receive survivors, refugees.
Now I'm the centre of attention: I shouldn't be there.

Paolo Giuseppe Mazzarello