Oyekake Satty Joshua - Love Not Ashamed

2014-06-15 5

Take my hand and walk with me
Speak to me of tulips and thorns
Of your joys and your sorrows
I lend you my ears and my heart

Look into my eyes and know me
See my sadness and joys unveiled
I am bare and honest if you dare
I am sincere and kind if you care

Take off your mask, open your eyes
Let your heart speak out your truth
Unreserved, abandoned, unashamed
Live this moment freely and wholly

My heart is open, do you care to see?
My ears are yours, would you speak?
My voice is tender but can you hear?
My hand I lend, do you care to hold?

Take my hand and walk with me
Let me speak of flowers and thorns
I’ll share my passions and my joys
Take my hand if your heart is true.

Oyekake Satty Joshua


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