The last Bard of South Gippsland has wandered far away
He last was seen six months ago up north in Byron Bay
But he has not been seen since then perhaps he's wandered on
And South Gippsland the poorer since the last bard has gone.
Who will write songs of Gippsland now there is none left to sing
Of Victoria's greenest country side since northward the bard did wing
The birds care for their nestlings now the magpie flutes all day
And the last Bard of South Gippsland is living far away.
He wrote about the high country the flatlands by the sea
And he wrote about the butcherbird that piped on wattle tree
The possum and kookaburra, wattlebird and currawong
Were familiar to the bush bard and for each he wrote a song.
The creek from the high country whispers down to the sea
And high above the paddock the lark pipes merrily
It's scenes such as I witness here that inspired the rhyming poet
And about such things of beauty South Gippsland's last bard wrote.
The last Bard of South Gippsland 'her last great man of rhyme'
Has moved up north towards Queensland to seek the warmer clime
He had an eye for beauty call it 'poetic eye'
And he has left his Gippsland poems for others to enjoy.
Francis Duggan