Michael P. Johnson - GOD’S TESTING GROUND (2)

2014-06-15 1

A testing for the truth to find
The lost, still bound in shame
A spark to purge the darkest mind
To glorify His name

Who’ll love to tame, what once was wild
Who’ll walk the extra mile
Who’ll chasten yet their wayward child
To see them later smile

God’s holy hand will never fail
Each one who’s seen to try
The frail, the dead, those yet in jail
His love will never die

Who rise again when once they fall
Remain, when once they start
Who answer to the Father’s call
Who bear a contrite heart

Who’s eyes look up, when things are down
Who for their neighbours care
Who spend this life to gain a crown
Who love with all to share

Who in the heat of battle stand
Who lean on God alone
Whose hope is in the Father’s hand
Whose heart’s not made of stone

The Lord our God, the Lord is one
His love is deep and true
Believe your God, His Christ and Son
And life will come to you

Who’ll stand; will eat the finest fare
Their broken hearts will mend
The quick in Christ, will have their share
When testing finds it’s end…

Michael P. Johnson
